论文发表于Journal of Financial Economics,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,Journal of Portfolio Management, Journal of Futures Markets等国际一流期刊。
2014–瑞士金融学院和瑞士洛桑大学金融学博士(Ph.D. in Finance, Swiss Finance Institute and University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
2008–德国弗莱堡大学金融学硕士(M.A. in Finance, University of Freiburg, Germany)
2006–山东财经大学金融学学士(B.A. in Finance, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, China)
研究方向Research Interests
金融市场Financial Markets资产定价理论和实证研究Theoretical and Empirical Asset Pricing高阶矩Higher Moments行为金融学Behavioral Finance金融风险Financial Risk
科研项目Research Grants
Skewness and Index Futures Return(with Jondeau, Wang, and Yan), Forth竞猜平台ing at Journal of Futures Markets , 2020. (Data and Code)
Trading Against the Grain: When Insiders Buy High and Sell Low(with Li, Wang, and Yan), Journal of Portfolio Management, 2019
Average Skewness Matters(with Jondeau and Zhu), Journal of Financial Economics, 2019. (Online Technical Appendix,Data,Codes)
Investor attention and stock market under‐reaction to earnings announcements: Evidence from the options market(withWang,Yan, andGao), Journal of Futures Markets. 2018
工作论文Working Papers
Oil Strikes Back: Trend Factors and Exchange Rates(2018, with Han, Xu and Zhu, Under Review)
Disaster Risk Matters Everywhere(with Chen, Yao and Zhu,2018)
Gamble, Fear, and Asset Prices(AEA 2015)
讲授课程Course Taught
本科:Corporate Finance、商业银行经营管理、国际金融学;硕士:微观金融理论;博士:金融投资理论与政策研究;IMBA: Managerial Finance, Financial Market and Investment
教学奖励Teaching Awards
科研奖励Research Awards
2018山东省统计科学技术优秀成果二等奖(Excellent Achievements of Statistical Science and Technology in Shandong Province)
2016中国金融学年会优秀论文二等奖 (Chinese Finance Annual Meeting Best Paper Award, Second Prize)
2014 Prix Doctorat de la Banque Cantonale Vaudoise 2014 (best Ph.D. thesis HEC Lausanne)
2013 Best GFEJ Paper at Paris Business and Social Science Research Conference
2013 HEC-Lausanne Research Funding Award
2013 Zurich-Chicago Computational Financial Economics Workshop Attendance Grant
2012 Australasian Finance Banking Conference Ph.D. Forum Attendance Grant
2012 Best JFS Paper Nomination in AsianFA Annual Meeting
2008 Swiss Finance Institute Scholarship
学术及社会兼职Professional Affiliations
匿名期刊审稿人: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI); Statistics & Risk Modeling
Session Chair: 2013 Annual Paris Business and Social Science Research Conference (Banking, Finance, and Accounting)
Memberships: American Economic Association; American Finance Association; European Finance Association; Risk Banking and Finance Society